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Celebrate Earth Day with Our Vintage Eyewear Collection

One of the priorities of this Earth Day is to put an end to fast fashion. Read our latest blog to learn about how we’re helping to do just that.

Jazz Up Your Look: Celebrating Jazz Appreciation Month with Retro Glasses

Celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month with a pair of glasses inspired by your favourite jazz legends.  Read about the history of jazz and more in this blog.

Retro Rays Await: Save On Vintage Sunglasses for Sunny Days

  The sun is finally starting to peep out from the clouds and the balmy weather is waking from its slumber, which means one universal experience for many of us brits: cracking out the sunnies and firing up the barbecue, of course! Warm, sunny weather is something we certainly don’t take for granted here in the UK, especially with how arguably little we get to enjoy it throughout the year. As such, it’s fair to say that we definitely make the most of it when we do get the opportunity to do so. Whilst it may not feel quite the...

Introducing… Our Exclusive Vintage Eyewear for Pets!

Nowadays, pet fashion is on the rise, with many dressing their cats, dogs and rabbits in stylish little outfits that simply scream ‘avante-garde’ in the pet world. But why stop with the clothing? We think it’s about time that pets get to experience the joy of accessories, too, which is why we’re introducing… our vintage eyewear for pets! If you’re looking to spoil your pet and get them looking as stylish as you are, then keep reading as we discuss the rise of pet fashion and why vintage eyewear deserves a place in the market, along with some advice on...

Easter Special: Which Vintage Eyewear Would Jesus Have Worn?

Happy Easter! We hope you’re tucking into a chocolate egg as you’re reading this (and are very jealous if you are)! Whilst nowadays we typically associate Easter with chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies and, well… simply more chocolate, it still remains a significant religious holiday on the Christian calendar. That’s why we’ve decided to take a more traditional focus for this year’s Easter article; one thing we have been pondering amongst ourselves is, what vintage eyewear would Jesus have worn? Well, after some collaborative thinking, we’ve got the answer for you! Read on to find out which styles of specs we...